We can help you create amazing attention grabbing videos with animated graphics, call to actions, filters and transitions that are proven to increase engagement for any business.

What’s the NUMBER one currency for businesses in 2023?

It’s not cash.

It’s not revenue.

It’s not bitcoin.

It’s one thing and one thing only:



Because when you’re able to captivate and hold someone’s attention…. You’re able to create endless amounts of value.

And we’re excited to let you know we can help you create stunning animations, stingers and so much more….

Our services include the following:

Logo Stingers

A logo stinger is the little animation of a logo at the end of a video or commercial. It’s an element that gives the viewer that last glimpse of who you are. They range from simple fly-ins to complex 3-D animations.

Smooth Animated Transitions

This allows you to take your video to the next level. You can make seamless transitions between two scenes. Not only does this boost creativity, it gives your video a more professional, polished look.

Social Media Call To Actions

This feature increases engagement across your social profiles. This software offers an easy way to present clients with your social profiles with floating animations and call-to-action templates.

Live Action Animations

Stay ahead of your competition with this feature! Exclusive to the platform, live-action animation incorporates your logo and text into a video with real actors.

Movie Filters

Add more pizzazz to your videos by implementing movie filters.




Business Seeds Limited.

24 Dark Lane, Hollywood, Birmingham, Worcestershire B47 5BT

Email:  Telephone: 07860602981